Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Toraja Traditional House Philosophy


Tongkonan in Tanah Toraja has a social function, culture, and customs vary. One function is as a place to store the bodies.

MOOD still early. As the fog slowly disappeared in a small hill began dimly visible from the roof of a small building. The tip of the roof looked like a buffalo horn seruncing but not original. The roof is no longer made of reeds like the original building but was replaced with zinc. Buildings with pointed roofs were named Baruang Tongkonan or commonly called Tongkonan, the Toraja traditional house.

"Tongkon means sit. The word 'an' to say where," said Andre, one of the village residents Tondon, Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi. Tongkonan is where people in the village to gather, consulting, and solve problems customs. His hands and pointed to the Latimojong Mountains,

"Our ancestors of the Toraja people there, and the mountain. Formerly, Matua Puang lower tetaa-tetaa Toraja." Puang Matua means the Creator, or God Almighty according to the Toraja people who create the content of the earth around it.

Facing Up North Almost all of the Toraja house facing north. This refers Puang Matua in the world of the north. Puang facing Matua means respecting clan believed to be a blessing always. As residents set foot outside the house, then his whole life will be submitted to Puang Matua.

Tongkonan itself it's the stage house built from a combination of sticks and sheets of board. If observed, rectangular diagram to follow the practical form of wood materials. No lacquer or varnish, it all comes from wood uru, a type of local wood that comes from Sulawesi. Kualltas the wood good enough and many dijumpal dijumpal in Toraja region.

There are three parts of Tongkonan; under (Sulluk Banua), charts (Kale Banua) and roof (Ratiang Banua). Viewed from the looks aside, this distribution pattern is clear darn wooden structure. In the space underneath and look at the walls covered with the seams of the boards with a thickness of about 5-7 cm.

On the roof, the curved shape like a buffalo horn. On the west and east sides of the building there is a small window, where the entry of sunlight and wind flow. Tongkonan have each column berkumpu in stone. The main column into a buffer structure on the roof edges.

There are no special provisions Tongkonan size wooden structures, all based on the availability of wood raw material in the market uru. At Kale Banua that serves as a place to live, the floor boards consist of slabs reinforced with the stage floor structure.

This section has several other functions such as guest lounge and thankfulness ritual space in the front side and a living room and used as a space to place the body at a funeral. On the back side of the building have sleeping space for family members.

Big Funds needed
According to Andre, dividing it easy Tongkonan structure (ie: planning column). The process just attach the ends. Give one column in the middle and then divided. Development of a Tongkonan can spend around USD 2-3 billion.

"If only alangnya cheap material, approximately USD 50-60 million," he said again, pointing to a similar house Tongkonan stage but smaller. The function of the building to save the harvest from the family fields.

Toraja nobleman who have generally different Tongkonan Tongkonan from the usual. The difference is in the walls, windows, and columns. Wood surface three elements finely carved and detailed. There is a picture of the motive chickens, pigs, and buffalo. Also alternately punctuated with tendrils resemble plants.

In the main column also serves as a place to hang a buffalo skull, as a sign keberhasilari ceremony. For the Toraja, the buffalo as an animal other than cattle they also became symbols of wealth and status. Therefore, the slaughter of buffalo has always been a welcome event at a party.

As a celebration of the funeral
That day, around the end of December 2008, in a village Tongkonan Tondon, Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi, the traffic was busy carrying food, agricultural tools, cooking utensils, cloth, buffalo, pigs, bamboo, and wood. In front Tongkonan there is a street connecting road between the cities with the city Rantempao Palopo, Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi.

Evidently there that day or the funeral ceremony are often called "seorng a party". All villagers involved in this ceremony which includes all descendants from all over feted. They gathered with tourists who want to see riuhnya event.

Belu corpse was Salurante year, Toraja nobleman, became residents Banua Barung-barung (part of the house of Toraja). Exactly one year after death, the entire family of Salurante
This will celebrate their roots with the party conducting the funeral procession, or sign Solok.

According to the Toraja, the dead person is still sick. Therefore, the body is stored in the living room of their house. The body was still regarded as part of a still kelaurga
live. When the meal was, there is a separate section for these dead.

Solok Signs Before the procession began, a buffalo cut in the yard first. The number and complexity of the carvings on the surface of the Tongkonan Kayo symbolizes the status of its owner. Toraja nobleman has Tongkonan with patterned as a buffalo sculpture. While the usual Tongkonannya not carved as a sign of respect.

Belu Salurante coffin carved vines and the lid was painted gold by a rope tied to a bamboo cross ditumpukan. Bamboo serves to carry the coffin. There were two women sitting dibambu and black clothes. Her body swayed to the right and left when the men Tondon Village residents and family members trooped Salurante alternately carried.

"Heyaaa heee, heee heyaaaa, 'cried the men encouraged their own din. The distance through which the procession is about 5 km, turn the house into Tongkonan Salurante Belu another. In the back of the men, followed the parents and mothers who carrying a long red cloth. On the right side of the street, residents greeted the Village Tondon clan pay their respects to the nobility.

The coffin is then stored in the Tongkonan before entered into the Lung-Bang (tomb) family in the cliffs east of the village. In the process of moving coffin to the cemetery will be held back cliff buffalo sacrifice pests.

That range of functions carried by Tongkonan. Besides as a gathering place
as well as a temporary storage place before the body was taken to the cemetery on the cliffs far there

Pura Gunung Kawi, Standing Between Archeological Sites


The interesting side of this temple is the presence of legacy building kings of ancient Balinese ash, including the temple carved directly on the cliffs, around the temple. Sculptures and buildings are now defined as archaeological sites must be preserved.

When to Bali, what do you do for a vacation there? Spend time playing on the beach, bought the painting and art in Ubud area, or visit places that have Balinese architecture buildings? Of all the existing agenda, how tertarikkah you to visit places that have Balinese architecture buildings? Ten people who asked about it said that the level of interest in a place like this is high enough.

Balinese architectural forms are not limited to commercial or residential buildings. Temple as a building of worship is a form of building that could become a tourist attraction coming to Bali.

The existence of temples in Bali is plural. Although tourists can not enter into the temple, looking at beauty of the temple from outside is quite charming tourists. Of all the temples in Bali, Pura Gunung Kawi temple is one which deserves your visit. Many reasons why the temple is located in the area of Banjar (hamlet) Penaka, Sukawati village, Sukawati district, Gianyar regency, Bali, should you go.

At least there are two reasons that can trigger you to come to this place. First because it was in the valley of the hill, and second because it was surrounded by carved temple directly on the wall.

Down approximately 320 steps
Entering the area of Gunung Kawi should prepare extra energy. This temple can only be reached on foot with a relatively long distance from the car park. From the gate, where visitors must buy a ticket for Rp 6000, we should be down about 320 steps. This is not because there lies the temple in the valley floor.

Travel down about 320 steps is not tiring because of the stairs around you can see the expanse of green fields storied land. In addition, if tired, you can rest in the stalls next to the existing stairs.

Arriving at the valley floor, you will enter a long hallway that is said to be prepared by splitting large rock. This corridor is the entrance to Gunung Kawi Temple area.

Found in the area around the beginning of the year 1910 was separated into two parts by the River / Tukad Pakerisan, part of the west and the east of the River Pakerisan. In the second section, you can see the temple that is attached directly on the cliff wall. Temple carved directly on the cliff wall that is the appeal of why you should come to this place.

Four clusters
Temple sculptures in this rock wall has several meanings and functions, both located in the west, and east Pakerisan River. According to several sources of literature, the existence of this sculpture inspired the naming of this area. There was a mention that the word carved in the ancient Javanese language is the Kawi. Because of the temples carved into the cliff walls and in the mountains, the temple in this area is called Pura Gunung Kawi.

Overall, the temple carvings at the cliff face in Gunung Kawi Temple area is divided into four clusters. The first cluster consists of 5 rows temples carved from the north to the south on the cliffs in the east side of river.

In the temple carvings in the north side there are the words "Haji Lumah Jalu Ing. Of this writing, there is a mention that the temple on the north side is used for the worship of the holy spirit palace of King Udayana. Meanwhile, the temple is next to the palace for the Empress and the children of King Udayana, Wungsu marakata and Children.

The second cluster consists of four carved temple row from north to south direction on the cliffs in the west side of river. Dr R Goris, archaeologists from the Netherlands, in some literaturya mentions that the fourth row of this temple serves as a temple (padharman) for the fourth king consort.

The third cluster is the monastery buildings and the niche (large cavities) are carved on the cliff located in the south of the first clusters. The fourth cluster is a temple and a niche that is used as a hermitage. Located in approximately 220 meters from the second cluster.

So, where puranya? This temple itself is located beside the first temples. Inside, the buildings complement the temple, such as pelinggih and bale perantenan.

Pura Gunung Kawi used during Piodalan ceremony. The ceremony is conducted every full moon is a ceremony of this came the worship of Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, with all its manifestations through means pemerajan, temples, and the heaven.

Carved with a fingernail
If traced to the past, the existence of this temple can not be separated from the cluster-cluster existing sculpture. The writings in each sculpture that serves as the archaeological data indicates that Pura Gunung Kawi made in the 11th century.

This can be seen from the writings of "Haji Lumah Jalu Ing. This written form is a form of writing the quadratic Kadiri commonly used in the kingdom in East Java in the 11th century.

At that time, the government in power is King Marakatapangkaja. Therefore, many people who say that the complex of Gunung Kawi Aura was built by King Marakatapangkaja and completed by King Anak Wungsu.

One proof that the King Wungsu Children who completed this building is the tomb of King Children Wungsu ashes. In addition, here too there is the tomb of King Udayana, king of the dynasty that led Warmadewa largest kingdom in Bali.

The second ash king's tomb is located behind the wall of the temple sculptures. With this tomb, no wonder if this temple complex known as Warmadewa Dynasty tomb.

Several sources of literature and citizens around Pura Gunung Kawi temple mentions that the cliff sculptures created by Kebo Iwa, Balinese folk legend that has great power. He made sculptures of the temple on this rock using his fingernails.

Elegance and temple wall carvings that were here charming views and must be maintained existence. Therefore, Archeological Heritage Preservation Hall Bali establish that this area is the archaeological assets must always be preserved

Earthquake Resistant Houses from Sengkang True


How many home communities damaged by the earthquake. Judging from Tasikmalaya earthquake on September 2, 2009, the National Disaster Management Agency reported that 67,760 houses and damaged 150,839 homes only minor damage in some areas of West Java.

Wibowo Hengki Ashadi, lecturer at the Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, Thursday (10 / 9), say, build earthquake-resistant homes are not complicated, just requires the establishment of appropriate detail in certain parts.

"Building earthquake-resistant homes are not expensive. Material selection can be started from the use of brick ruins of the former to the use of lightweight materials, like cork boards for lining the inside wall surface coated with a thin concrete, "said Hengki, Thursday (10 / 9) at his office in Jakarta.

Hengki said, most victims were killed by the earthquake-stricken victims of the building. To reduce these risks in the future, people living in earthquake-prone areas should consider the methods of earthquake-resistant housing construction.

Reflecting the earthquake Tasikmalaya, according to latest reports the National Disaster Management Agency, there were 80 people were killed and 47 people listed as missing. Then as many as 1142 people were injured. This is very tragic. If only their buildings earthquake-resistant homes.

Of the total population of thousands of homes damaged by the earthquake, there are additional data unit of 1193 heavily damaged school buildings and 1664 units lightly damaged schools. This shows, among the world of education is still ignorant of earthquake resistant buildings.

Sengkang correct

Hengki said, made earthquake-resistant houses with a common form of the population as now made it easier and cheaper. The key to making detailed placement and diameter of a circle (ring on the block) to be true.

"I had surveyed the building stores that sell metal frame for concrete blocks. The average diameter of a circle placement of all positions, "said Hengki.

The position of the right cross bar aims to eventually house built to withstand earthquakes. Looking right Sengkang density cross bar positions at opposite ends of each block of concrete. Sengkang at both ends of the block must be tight.

Density distance from each other cross bar could be about 5 centimeters. However, the correct standard, the stone for the concrete mix can be used to escape. If the size of the stone gravel about 2 inches, density inevitably dash no more than 2 centimeters.

For the height of the circuit, the position of the conference cross bar twice the width specified block to be formed. If the beam width of 20 inches, diameter of a circle of close circuit at both ends of the block should be 40 inches in length.

"The position of the cross bar docked at both ends of the retaining block earthquake motion. Form detailed cross bar at the end of this concrete block of the most important, but still much neglected, "said Hengki.

Based on the survey to the stores that sell building cross bar, according to Hengki, form cross bar sold in stores that building an average one. "The tip of the iron cross bar which was not deflected position to the middle of the diagonal cross bar," said Hengki.

Iron tip diameter of a circle that was deflected into the middle of the diagonal function gives more strength to resist earthquake forces.

Related to the strengthening of other bone structures that are often overlooked communities, continued Hengki, ie there is no anchoring in connection with the vertical concrete block horizontally.

Anchoring or bending the metal tip of the horizontal beam attached to the bottom of the vertical steel beams that have a long formula of 20 times the diameter of the iron used. If iron is used 10 millimeter diameter, penjangkarannya enough to 200 millimeters.

Flexible concrete block

Another method to make earthquake-resistant homes are concrete block with a flexible formation. Flexible concrete blocks are not merged with drywall, but only connected with a steel plate.

"When an earthquake happens, flexible concrete block structure was freed to move. However, retained the lining does not move to avoid the cracks, "said Hengki.

In principle, building or house is earthquake resistant using a lightweight material, but strong. Logically, when forced to collapse by the earthquake, the building structure of light material that will not get off.

"Herein lies the key to re-visit the traditional ways we are in a building or a house with wood and bamboo. Then, the roof form of fibers, and so on, "said Hengki.

Selection of materials such as wood and bamboo filled lightweight and strong elements, such as making or gedek walls with a bamboo stick jersey was clearly going to form a soft lining and a friendly against earthquake.

To travel back to the traditional method, Hengki says, the most important step is to make materials stronger and more durable, such as bamboo coated with a polymer.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Carved door to Gate


Large area provides flexibility in the organization of space. Examples are the following two houses. Because the area is adequate, then among the main building and the yard was made a sort of foyer / transition area. His form a small courtyard before entering the main building.

To separate the transition area with the outside of the house, was made a kind of gate. This gate also serves asserted privacy boundaries between the outside and the inside of the house. Carved wooden doors can be used as ethnic doors of this gate.

In the first photo, wooden door used to have carved Balinese ornaments. Finishing his use of red duco paint accented with gold paint on the carvings. While in the second house, leaves the door is left plain. As a harmonious blend of exposed brick was chosen as the wall material

Fiber Cement Board Fence


Walls made of brick fence kamprot finishing. The top using fiber cement board. Equivalent solid material fence two had character.

Kamprot finishing applications not just cover the walls. With kamprot view it, the fence appears rough cement mixed with sand grains. This fence was not just applying the finishing kamprot, but also fiber cement board. Be a combination of two different characters but coherent, ie, rough walls with patterned wood fiber board.

Cement fiber board was applied to the fence Paramita Sari Wykan numbers located in Kebayoran, South Jakarta. The sign is visible at the top of the brick wall was kamprot finishing it. Material was closed outer wall and in the bersebehalan the park.

On the floor in an area outside the fence there Sanseviera planter containing sp or tongue-in-law. On the inside of the burrow willow tree stands or widowed miserably. The presence of trees and plants to make the fence into the shade.

Fence along the 11m high and 2m were also proved resistant to weather changes. In addition, the content of materials consisting of cement, fiber, fiber, and minerals, making the board also disliked by termites and other insects. Cement board is not only beautify the fence, but also long-lasting

Over the fence So Beautiful by Rooster


Technique only stacked pair. Cement as an adhesive. Iron plate into inter-rooster booster. Holes which highlighted the sun provides a beautiful shadow effects.

Once rooster become an important element in the residential building concepts tropical mangadopsi. He serves as a vent that can be breached air, sunlight, too. Therefore, common rooster on top of windows, doors, roofs and even walls. Hot tube room was so cool.

Now, the growing role of rooster. Concrete network printing can be perforated wall replacement fence. Located at the edge of common land boundaries of the house. Because the hole, when the sun highlight them, will create a beautiful shadow effects.

Applications beautiful rooster was on the front wall of the house Bambang Adi Prasetyo, in Bintaro, Tangerang. The size of the front wall of 6.5 m and 1.5 m wide, while the side wall of 2.2 m, adjacent to the side door to the room service.

Rooster measures 20cmx20cm with 10cm thick it weighs 4.5 kg. Although quite heavy, it can be installed intermittently stacked alternately. Adhesive inter-rooster just use regular cement.

Construction without using a pole or beam of admit. He just relies on the binding sloof foundation in the ground. Sloof is responsible for receiving and distributing the load to the foundation rooster.

"Rooster is only as wall filler material that did not receive a heavy burden. So it does not need complicated construction. In addition to cement paste, the amplifier just add a metal plate," said the architectural team that designed the sub studio that rooster wall.

Metal plate screwed on the top of the rooster. 4mm thick plate and 3cm wide. Function plate making rooster grew stiff. If the wind or pushed people tersenggol body, this rooster wall will not collapse.

Bamboo house, Stay Comfortable and Artistic


In the afternoon, the natural pores of the bamboo are able to release the stored cold at night. The result, during the day in the house still was cool.

Conversely at night, the pores capable of releasing heat that saved the day. As a result, you'll spend the night in the house warmer.

In addition to artistic value, the reason for the use of bamboo as a home's building materials of these two things. Bamboo can reduce the heat of the midday sun, in contrast to warm the house in the cold night.

No wonder, with cungkupan cold air that enveloped the area Puncak - Cianjur, West Java, many buildings using bamboo as the villa building materials and even the interior. Although not one hundred percent dominate every corner of the building, a few restaurants too much sunda traditional use of bamboo as the concept of charm.

For those of you who are interested in the concept of a bamboo house is certainly not difficult to choose. Bamboo house somewhat model variations, from traditional architecture bamboo house, a modern standards, as well as semi-permanent. Based on these variations, the use of bamboo can be so dominant, half, or just a sweetener in some corner of a particular section.

The use of bamboo in the concept of traditional house can crawl on all lines, starting structures, walls, ceilings, floors, to furniture. Characteristic of this traditional concept of using a roof-shaped bamboo houses on stilts.

For the walls, the concept of this building using bamboo matting made until several layers. It would make quite tightly to the wall of dust and air permeable.

At each connection the foundation, usually of bamboo artisans using fibers as the most appropriate fastener. But for the connection to the bamboo planks that do not function as a structure, not a soul mate roofed bamboo, rattan but because it looks more artistic.

The contents of the building, too often dominated by bamboo. Chair or sofa in the living room for example, can be taken from a bamboo structure with a diameter slightly larger.

Partitioning or dividing a room with other rooms can also use black bamboo. With a dark color, this partition is in sharp contrast after rattan tied with a lighter color, like beige or golden yellow. The cost for the traditional model berasitektur typical houses on stilts to reach Rp900 thousand per square meter

Modern Standard
Meanwhile, standard features of a bamboo house with tile roof and tiled. The foundation is not under the bamboo and covered with ceramic, but standing on the tiles with a cement foundation wrapped leg.

This standard design adopted by many cafes or restaurants in Jakarta or Bandung. As if making a house in the house, sometimes the concept is shaped like a gazebo processed to make its own space in the restaurant. Funds needed to build this standard model can reach 1, 5 million rupiah per square meter

Semi Permanent
Another case with semi-permanent bamboo house. Bottom wall could use brick, brick, or stone with a high time to reach one meter. Many restaurants sunda in Jakarta and several cities in West Java also uses this concept as the attraction of the building. Budget needed to build a bamboo house could reach 2 million rupiah per square meter.

Natural Stone Mosaic for Wall and Floor


In general there are two types of stone used to create the mosaic floor, the stone or gravel and pebble marble stone or coral. Little round pebble shape and is usually chosen so that no sharp. While marble is usually shaped and flat and irregular shape.

Usually mosaic floor tiles sold in the smallest size 10 cm x 10 cm, to the largest 40 cm x 40 cm. For those who want a special size can be ordered according to the desired size.

Each tile consists of a collection of stone with similar color, there is also a collection of rock containing a variety of colors.

Problem was the design of each tile can actually tailor-made suit. Each manufacturer usually serve a reservation to taste like this. And after this natural stone mosaic so, he could put into place as usual ceramic floors.

In addition to the floor, stone mosaic can be used to meet various needs. Many who use it for the bathroom floor and steping stone in the garden. Not only for that, natural stone mosaic can also be used for layering the wall so it looks more natural.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Konsep Perumahan Islami


BARANGKALI pertanyaan ini kerap terlontar. Seperti apa rumah islami itu? Banyak pengembang menurunkan konsep islami ini dalam bentuk dan desain rumah. Seperti, dinding bertabur ukiran kaligrafi, mushala di dalam rumah, ada keran khusus untuk berwudu, hingga kamar mandi yang tak boleh menghadap kiblat.

Tak hanya itu. Pengembang perumahan juga membuat bagian dalam rumah tertutup sehingga orang lain tak bisa melihat dari luar. Tapi, di bagian luar rumah tidak dipagari. “Dengan begitu, penghuni tetap bisa bersosialisasi dengan para tetangga,” kata Denny Ernadie, pengurus Yayasan Az-Zikra yang juga mengembangkan rumah islami.

Kompleks perumahan umumnya dilengkapi masjid, mushala, atau taman pendidikan Al-Quran (TPA). Sedangkan di kolam renang umum, ada pembatas antara pria dan wanita. “Bisa saja melakukan pengaturan jam pemakaian,” imbuh Nasrullah, Direktur Utama Orchid Realty.

Suasana religius lebih hidup lagi dengan adanya kegiatan rutin salat berjamaah dan pengajian di masjid. Perumahan Bukit Az-Zikra lebih ekstrem lagi: melarang penghuninya merokok, dan penghuni perempuan harus menutup aurat.

Demi menjalankan kehidupan pada nilai-nilai agama, semua transaksi pembelian atau penjualan rumah menganut prinsip dan akad syariah. “Itu yang diutamakan Orchid,” kata Nasrullah.

Otomatis, hanya bank-bank syariah yang bisa memberikan kredit kepemilikan rumah (KPR). “Kami bekerjasama dengan BTN Syariah, BNI Syariah, dan BRI Syariah,” kata Denny. Namun, pasar juga menjadi pertimbangan.

Perumahan Islami: Dari Kaligrafi sampai Kolam Renang Muslim


Sejatinya, apa itu perumahan dengan nuansa Islami? Banyak pengembang mewujudkan konsep Islami ini dalam bentuk dan desain rumah. Contoh, dinding rumah bertabur ukiran kaligrafi, mushala di dalam rumah, ada keran khusus untuk berwudhu, hingga kamar mandi yang tak boleh menghadap kiblat.

Sementara itu, PT Mustika Hadiasri, pengembang Villa Ilhami, mewujudkan konsep Islami lewat arah rumah yang semua menghadap ke kiblat. Jadi, “Penghuni tidak perlu geser kiri-kanan jika ingin menyesuaikan kiblat,” kata Dedi Mustofa, Manajer Promosi Villa Ilhami.

Namun, fasilitas perumahan juga tidak boleh sembarangan. Menurut Nasrullah, Direktur Utama CV Fadillah Utama Berkat, pengembang The Orchid Reality, perusahaan properti mesti serius membangun segala fasilitas yang menunjang rumah Islami.

The Orchid Realty, misalnya, menyediakan fasilitas pendidikan bernapaskan Islam. “Harus ada sekolah atau pendidikan Islami. Kami juga menyediakan tempat belajar Al Quran,” ujar Nasrullah. Yang juga wajib dihadirkan di kompleks perumahan Islami sudah barang tentu masjid.

Fasilitas-fasilitas semacam itu, Nasrullah bilang, mesti disediakan oleh para pengembang. Pasalnya, warga yang tinggal di perumahan dengan konsep Islami itu benar-benar menginginkan perkembangan beragamanya. “Tidak hanya sekadar tinggal di satu rumah,” kata Nasrullah.

Fasilitas lainnya yang bisa dikembangkan adalah membangun kolam renang bernuansa Islami. Caranya dengan memisahkan kolam untuk laki-laki dan perempuan, “Termasuk menyediakan pakaian renang Muslim,” kata Nasrullah. Dengan begitu, orang akan semakin tertarik membeli rumah Islami.

Tidak hanya itu, pengembang juga harus mampu membangun suasana kehidupan bertetangga yang sakinah. Suasana religius lebih hidup lagi dengan adanya kegiatan rutin shalat berjemaah dan pengajian di masjid. Atau bisa juga lewat kegiatan siraman rohani, diskusi, hingga konsultasi keagamaan.

Perumahan Bukit Az-Zikra yang terletak di kawasan Sentul, Bogor, lebih ekstrem lagi soal kehidupan sehari-hari penghuninya. Mereka melarang penghuninya merokok, dan penghuni perempuan harus menutup aurat.

Namun, Kepala Riset Jones Lang Lasalle Anton Sitorus menyatakan, konsep dan fasilitas bernuansa Islami tidak begitu saja membuat para konsumen tergiur untuk membeli. Sebab, calon pembeli tetap memerhatikan kelengkapan perumahan, baik dari aspek legal, maupun fasilitas.

“Apakah benar-benar seperti ditawarkan?” katanya.

Selain itu, faktor terpenting selalu menjadi pertimbangan pembeli adalah lokasi.

Dapur Modern


Fungsionalitas dan efisiensi jadi fokus utama dalam mendesain sebuah dapur pintar. Desain yang pintar jadi solusi dalam memberikan kemudahan pengguna dapur beraktivitas menyiapkan dan mengolah makanan.

Dapur pada foto memiliki layout ruang yang unik, dimana dapur terhubung langsung dengan ruang makan dan ruang keluarga. Hubungan antarruang ini dioptimalkan dengan mendesain kitchen set double line.

Satu kabinet berbentuk L menempel ke dinding dapur dan kabinet yang lainnya diletakkan di antara dapur dan ruang makan. Fungsinya sebagai penghubung antara kedua area ini. Antara keduanya diberi jarak 2,2m, sehingga sirkulasi saat bekerja menjadi lancar.

Kabinet berbentuk L memiliki panjang 6,3m. Sebuah sink dengan dua bak cuci, lengkap dengan pengeringnya menempati salah satu sisi work top. Pemilihan sink berukuran besar disesuaikan dengan aktivitas pemilik rumah yang senang memasak.

Demikian pula dengan kompor tanam empat tungku yang berada di sisi lain work top. Kompor ini memungkinkan aktivitas memasak lebih banyak di saat bersamaan. Home appliances lain, seperti oven, microwave dan kulkas - dengan pintu side by side - di tertanam di dalam kabinet. Dapur jadi lebih rapi.

Kabinet yang satunya memiliki ukuran lebih kecil. Panjang kabinetnya 2,4m. Kabinet ini multifungsi. Bagian atas kabinet berfungsi sebagai meja saji dan breakfast table, sementara bagian bawahnya berfungsi sebagai storage. Kabinet ini menggunakan finishing high gloss panel, sehingga warna merah kabinet nampak mengilap dan mewah. Table top-nya menggunakan bahan solid surface dengan warna hitam.

Sementara handle dan frame pintu kabinet menggunakan bahan aluminium. Perpaduan ketiga warna itu sangat serasi, mewah, sekaligus modern. Garis-garis geometris dan detail yang simple pada kabinet juga semakin mempertegas gaya modern kitchen set. (iDEAonline/

Lemari Kaca di Kamar Mandi


Area penyimpanan (storage) yang memadai mutlak diperlukan dalam setiap ruangan. Tanpanya banyak barang akan berserakan dan tidak berada pada tempatnya. Menyediakan storage di ruangan relatif sempit, bisa menjadi tantangan tersendiri. Di kamar mandi misalnya.

Kamar mandi biasanya menempati lahan yang tidak terlalu besar. Padahal tidak sedikit juga barang-barang yang memerlukan storage. Mulai dari perangkat mandi, seperti handuk hingga pernak-pernik seperti sabun, shampo, sikat gigi, dan sebagainya.

Untuk menampung semua barang keperluan mandi tersebut, siapkan sebuah lemari. Tak perlu membayangkan lemari kayu yang masif dan tampak berat. Coba pikirkan desain modern, ringan, dan transparan. Bentuknya bisa seperti storage yang ada di foto ini.

Bentuk lemari ini terbilang sederhana. Cukup buat cerukan berukuran 40cmx40cmx240cm (PxLxT). Agar tampilannya lebih modern dan tidak kaku, gunakan kaca sebagai rak dan pintu lemarinya. Lengkapi storage dengan lampu di bagian atas. Jadilah area penyimpanan yang pas untuk kamar mandi Anda.

Bergaya ala Kamar Mandi Hotel


Kamar mandi telah menjadi salah satu ruang untuk relaksasi. Tidak sekadar untuk membersihkan diri, kamar mandi juga dapat menjadi ruang untuk melepaskan penat.

Membangun kamar mandi sekaligus sebagai tempat pelepas penat tentu membutuhkan kerja ekstra. Dua hal utama yang dibutuhkan adalah fasilitas saniter, dan suasana yang nyaman. Jika dua hal ini terpenuhi, maka kamar mandi di rumah pun bisa serasa kamar mandi hotel atau resor.

Dalam membangun kamar mandi, saniter memang merupakan kebutuhan utama. Sebuah kamar mandi dapat dikatakan nyaman, jika fasilitas di dalamnya dapat menunjang kebutuhan penggunanya. Dalam hal menuju fungsi relaksasi bergaya modern, sebuah kamar mandi membutuhkan area mandi shower dan bak rendam. Keberadaan air hangat menjadi hal mutlak lainnya.

Mendandani rumah, terkadang tidaklah sesulit yang kita kira. Inspirasi bisa datang dari mana saja. Bagi mereka yang sering mendatangi spa atau sauna, tak akan asing dengan kursi panjang di kamar mandi. Ide ini ternyata cukup menarik diaplikasikan di rumah. Lihat saja kamar mandi di foto berikut.

Tidak harus difungsikan sebagai tempat menikmati hangatnya mandi uap. Di kamar mandi, di rumah, kursi panjang ini bisa digunakan sebagai tempat meletakkan handuk. Atau sebagai tempat duduk, bagi Anda yang biasa mengoleskan body lotion sesudah mandi. Kehadiran si kursi panjang ini bisa menjadi aksen menarik untuk kamar mandi Anda. Meski sepele, keberadaannya memberikan suasana atau nuansa berbeda dari kamar mandi biasa. (www.ideaonline.co.id

Kamar Mandi Terang Siang dan Malam


Mandi dalam ruangan yang terlalu terang atau terlalu gelap, tentu tidak nyaman. Itu sebabnya, perencanaan pencahayaan pun perlu dilakukan.

Pencahayaan pada kamar mandi sama pentingnya dengan pencahayaan pada ruangan lainnya. Pemanfaatan cahaya alami pada siang hari sangat dianjurkan. Cahaya matahari, selain berperan sebagai penerang, juga menghindarkan kamar mandi dari lembap, jamur, dan bakteri. Biarkan cahaya matahari masuk melalui bukaan-bukaan yang cukup.

Bukaan pada kamar mandi dapat berupa jendela kaca pada dinding, atau atap (skylight). Selain itu dapat pula digunakan kisi-kisi jalusi pada dinding atau atap juga. Tentu ketika ingin membuat jendela kaca pada atap dan dinding, Anda perlu memperhatikan penempatannya.

Jika saja nantinya penempatan jendela terasa mengganggu privasi, dapat saja ditambahkan gunakan window blind sebagai penutup jendela, selama kamar mandi digunakan. Setelahnya, buka window blind, sehingga cahaya matahari kembali leluasa masuk.

Ketika malam hari, tiba saatnya memaksimalkan pencahayaan artifisial dari lampu kamar mandi. Penataan lampu pun tidak boleh sembarangan. Ada area-area tertentu, yang membutuhkan pencahayaan lebih. Pencahayaan artifisial pada kamar mandi sangat dipengaruhi oleh aktivitas di dalamnya. Banyak orang memanfaatkan kamar mandi, tidak hanya untuk mandi. Berdandan bahkan membaca bisa dilakukan di ruangan ini. Maka siapkan pencahayaan yang memadai untuk setiap kegiatan.

Beberapa area seperti area shower dan wastafel, biasanya membutuhkan cahaya lebih. Perhatikan pula penempatannya. Area wastafel biasanya dilengkapi dengan cermin. Aktivitas sikat gigi, cuci muka, hingga berdandan dilakukan di sini. Untuk area cermin, baiknya tempatkan lampu di sisi kiri dan kanan. Agar arah jatuhnya cahaya tepat di wajah. Pada area shower atau bathtub bisa menggunakan lampu dinding atau lampu yang menempel di langit-langit.

Dalam menempatkan lampu di area-area basah, kehati-hatian sangat diperlukan. Jika memungkinkan pilih lampu yang memiliki perlindungan dari percikan air dan debu. Pada kamar mandi berukuran kecil, dimana mandi adalah satu-satunya kegiatan, satu lampu di langit-langit bisa jadi sudah cukup. Asal cahayanya cukup untuk menerangi setiap bagian ruangan kamar mandi

apartemen murah


TINGGAL di apartemen memang asyik. Sudah praktis, banyak pengembang cenderung membangun apartemen di pusat-pusat kota dengan akses jalan yang mudah. Mau kemana-mana gampang. Mungkin itu sebabnya, kendati ekonomi belum pulih dari krisis, penawaran hunian vertikal tetap marak.

Itu terutama terjadi pada apartemen kelas menengah yang mengandalkan penjualan secara kredit. Apalagi, kini bank-bank mulai mengerdilkan suku bunga kredit seiring tren peluruhan bunga.

Biasanya, pembeli apartemen kelas menengah adalah para eksekutif muda, pengusaha, serta pegawai kantoran. “Jumlahnya sangat banyak. Mereka mencari tempat tinggal yang dekat dengan tempat kerja, tapi juga tidak mau keluar banyak biaya,” kata Direktur Strategic Consulting Jones Lang Lasalle Indonesia Bayu Utomo.

Melihat kesempatan itu, kini para pengembang berlomba menggarap apartemen kelas menengah yang biasanya dibanderol antara Rp 300 juta hingga Rp 800 juta per unit. Pengembang yang memanfaatkan kesempatan ini termasuk pengembang kelas menengah atau kelas gurem yang jarang terdengar namanya.

Sebut saja pengembang Graha Permata Properindo yang kini menggarap proyek apartemen Carbella Imperial Residences dan Hayam Wuruk Residences. Kemudian ada juga Bendi Oetama Raya Delapan yang membangun dua apartemen sekaligus di Jakarta Selatan, yaitu Setiabudi Royal Residence dan Intan Apartment. Ada pula Internusa Jaya Semesta yang sedang membangun apartemen Grand Kartini di kawasan Gunung Sahari.

Menurut Bayu, penambahan pemain baru pengembang apartemen kelas tanggung ini didorong anggapan mereka mengenai prospek positif pasar ini. “Harga apartemen kelas ini relatif lebih terjangkau ketimbang apartemen kelas atas. Bahkan konsumen kelas atas juga meliriknya,” kata Bayu.

Jones Lang LaSalle mencatat, hingga akhir semester pertama 2009, total pasokan apartemen di Jakarta mencapai 67.860 unit. Separo di antaranya adalah apartemen kelas menengah.

Sementara sisanya, sebesar 42% dan 8%, masing-masing adalah apartemen menengah bawah dan menengah atas. “Makin tinggi kelas apartemen, biasanya untuk disewakan. Kalau kelas rendah, dipakai sendiri,” imbuh Bayu.

Kedatangan pemain kelas menengah itu seharusnya bisa mengungkit jumlah pasokan baru hunian vertikal yang cenderung menurun setiap tahun. Menurut data Jones Lang, pasokan hunian vertikal pada 2007 sebesar 11.000 unit. Jumlah itu turun jadi 8.200 unit pada 2008.

Bayu memperkirakan jumlahnya akan turun lagi menjadi 7.500 unit sampai akhir tahun nanti. “Sepanjang semester pertama 2009 hanya ada 1.600 unit pasokan hunian vertikal baru. Jumlah itu turun dari periode sebelumnya yang mencapai 2.000 unit,” papar Bayu.

Ingin mengetahui lebih jauh tentang proyek para pengembang gurem itu? Mari kita tengok satu per satu.

Graha Permata Properindo

Untuk membidik segmen kelas menengah, Graha Permata langsung menggarap dua proyek apartemen sekaligus: Carbella Imperial Residences dan Hayam Wuruk Residences. “Kedua apartemen itu berada di Jakarta Selatan dan Jakarta Barat,” kata Ratdi Gunawan, Direktur Pemasaran Graha Permata Properindo.

Carbella Imperial berlokasi di Jalan Karet Belakang, tepatnya di belakang Gedung Menara HSBC Sudirman. Menurut rencana, apartemen satu menara yang berisi 50 lantai itu akan dibangun di atas lahan seluas 2.000 meter persegi (m²).

Graha Permata bermaksud menawarkan tiga tipe unit apartemen, dengan ukuran yang berbeda-beda: tipe 26 m², 31 m², dan 42 m². Harganya dibanderol mulai Rp 290 juta sampai Rp 600 juta. “Groundbreaking apartemen sudah kami mulai sejak pertengahan 2008, topping off berlangsung pada Juli ini,” sambung Ratdi.

Proyek yang menelan biaya investasi hingga Rp 100 miliar itu kini sudah terjual 90%. Ratdi bilang, kini tinggal lima unit yang belum terjual, rata-rata tipe 26 m². Ratdi menargetkan semua unit yang tersisa tersebut bakal habis terjual dua-tiga bulan lagi. “Serah terimanya akhir tahun ini,” kata dia.

Apartemen kedua Graha, yaitu Hayam Wuruk Residence, berlokasi di jalan Hayam Wuruk Jakarta Pusat, tepat di seberang Gajah Mada Plaza. Apartemen yang dibangun di atas lahan seluas 3.000 m² itu, rencananya hanya akan memiliki satu menara setinggi 18 lantai yang memuat 350 unit apartemen. “Saat ini pembangunan sudah sampai lantai delapan,” papar Ratdi.

Pengembang telah memulai groundbreaking apartemen ini pada akhir 2008. Perkiraannya, proyek apartemen dengan nilai investasi keseluruhan Rp 200 miliar itu bisa rampung pada 2010 mendatang.

Sejauh ini Graha Permata sudah menjual sekitar 40% unit apartemen dari total unit yang tersedia, atau sekitar 140 unit. Targetnya, semua unit yang tersisa laku akhir tahun nanti. Graha menawarkan empat tipe unit apartemen dalam proyek ini, yaitu tipe 32 m², 53 m², 44 m², dan 93 m². Harga yang ditawarkan mulai Rp 270 juta hingga Rp 700 juta.

Bendi Oetama Raya Delapan

Bendi Oetama Raya Delapan juga membangun dua apartemen kelas menengah sekaligus: Setiabudi Royal Residence dan Intan Apartment. “Kedua apartemen itu berada di Jakarta Selatan,” kata Maria Elvaretha, Supervisor Marketing Bendi Oetama Raya Delapan Apartemen Setiabudi Royal Residences berlokasi di jalan Karet Karya Setiabudi, persis seberang SMA 3 Setiabudi.

Dibangun di atas lahan seluas 2.200 m², apartemen ini kelak hanya akan memiliki satu menara setinggi tujuh lantai. Adapun jumlah unitnya mencapai 140 unit. “Kami menawarkan mulai dari tipe 24 m², 30 m², sampai 48 m². Harganya mulai dari Rp 250 juta sampai Rp 560 juta,” ujar Maria.

Groundbreaking pembangunan apartemen ini sudah dimulai sejak Maret 2009 dan saat ini sudah sampai tahap pembangunan basement. Bendi memprediksi proyek apartemen dengan nilai investasi Rp 150 miliar itu akan rampung pada pertengahan 2010.

Sejauh ini, mereka sudah menjual sekitar 90% unit apartemen. Masih ada sekitar delapan unit apartemen tipe 48 m² yang belum terjual. “Targetnya akhir tahun terjual semua,” kata Maria. Pasalnya, mereka akan menggelar serah terima akhir tahun ini.

Apartemen kedua yang dibangun Bendi adalah Intan Apartment. Lokasi apartemen setinggi tujuh lantai ini di Jalan Intan, persis seberang Cilandak Town Square (Citos). Apartemen 200 unit ini dibangun di atas lahan seluas 2.200 m². “Saat ini pembangunan sudah mencapai lobi,” ujar Maria.

Pengembang memperkirakan, proyek dengan nilai investasi Rp 200 miliar itu bisa rampung Maret 2010 nanti. Sejauh ini, sudah 95% unit yang terjual. Sisanya sebanyak delapan unit, memiliki ukuran 24 m² atau tipe studio. Intan Apartment terdiri dari tiga tipe, yaitu tipe 24 m², 34 m², dan 48 m². Harga yang ditawarkan antara Rp 392 juta sampai Rp 700 juta.

Internusa Jaya Semesta

Pengembang Internusa Jaya Semesta mengandalkan proyek Grand Kartini. Lokasinya berada di Jalan Kartini Nomor 26, Gunung Sahari, Jakarta. Tepatnya seberang Hotel Sheraton.

Dibangun di atas lahan seluas 3.000 m², pengembang membangun satu menara apartemen dengan ketinggian mencapai 28 lantai. Jumlah unitnya mencapai 300 unit. “Apartemen ini sudah memasuki masa topping off sejak Juni,” kata Troy Mulfian, staf pemasaran PT Internusa Jaya Semesta.

Troy menaksir pembangunan yang memakan modal Rp 200 miliar ini akan selesai setahun. Dari 300 unit yang mereka tawarkan, kini sudah terjual 90%. Grand Kartini memuat empat tipe apartemen, yaitu 30 m², ?50 m², 60 m², dan 93 m². “Harga Rp 320 juta sampai Rp 900 juta,” terang Troy.

Carport yang Berangin


Gapura penyambut berwarna putih. Lubang angin sepanjang dinding. Penghawaan ruang yang sejuk sepanjang hari.

Udara bergerak dari suhu yang tinggi menuju suhu yang lebih rendah. Prinsip sederhana seperti ini dapat menjadi inspirasi desain yang diterapkan pada rumah tinggal. Akan sangat membantu apabila carport sebagai area dengan penghawaan yang cukup panas menerapkan prinsip desain tersebut.

Lubang-lubang udara hadir pada sisi kiri carport. Untuk menciptakan angin, lubang itu harus diimbangi dengan lubang lain yang sejajar atau berseberangan. Demikianlah yang terjadi pada carport modern ini.

Agar suhu panas cepat turun, sisi kanan carport hanya dibatasi oleh kolom-kolom penyangga atap. Panas yang turun dari polikarbonat pun setidaknya dapat disebar. Ini karena permukaan atap yang cukup tinggi serta adanya sedikit bukaan antara balok dan polikarbonat.

Treatment desain pembeda fungsi masing-masing area cukup menarik. Untuk menuju pintu rumah dipasang material yang berbeda serta penutup atap yang lebih rendah. Atap keduanya dibatasi oleh sebuah gapura putih yang tinggi serta balok penyangga.

Untuk menciptakan efek dimensi bidang, sejumlah pencahayaan buatan dipersiapkan. Beberapa lampu sorot dipasang pada titik-titik tertentu di bagian bawah untuk dipancarkan ke atas. Pada bagian depan carport di luar gerbang ditempatkan lampu sorot mengarah ke permukaan lantai. Ini agar cahaya terpantulkan. (www.ideaonline.co.id)

Tampil Alami dengan Atap Tanaman


Carport dapat didesain menyatu dengan taman. Tanaman rambat memberikan suasana asri pada fasad rumah.

Desain carport sebaiknya tidak "menyempal" dari konsep arsitektur rumah. Salah satu pilihan yang dapat dilakukan adalah membuat desain seolah-olah menjadi bagian dari taman di sekitarnya.

Contohnya adalah carport ini, yang menggunakan atap rangka besi bercat putih. Didesain tanpa pelapis, atap itu berkesan natural; cocok dengan kesan country keseluruhan rumah. Teduh saat siang, sedikit basah di saat hujan. Rangkanya dipilih dengan desain lengkung. Puncak lengkung mencapai 2,7m dari lantai. Sebagai peneduh adalah tanaman rambat jenis passiflora merah.

Struktur atap alami itu ditunjang oleh tiga tiang pendukung di sisi kanan. Masing-masing tiang diberi batang besi tambahan sebagai rambatan menuju bagian atap. Di bagian sisi kiri, atap menumpang pada kolom teras dan sebuah tiang tunggal. Tiang ini berada tepat di belakang kolom pagar.

Sisi carport dikelilingi oleh bak yang ditanami sepatuphilum. Bak tanaman dilapisi batu alam agar tampilannya menyatu dengan lantai carport.

Lantai carport didesain cukup sederhana, berupa batu kali yang tidak dipoles. Hasilnya cukup kesat di kaki. Bagian tengah carport, yang bukan jalur ban, dibuat lebih dalam dan diisi dengan batu koral. Lantai dibuat miring sekitar 5cm dari jalan mobil di depannya.

Ukuran carport yang terbatas disiasati dengan pemilihan pagar yang tepat. Pagar bercat putih, dipilih minim detail dari besi-besi berdimensi kotak 1,5cmx1,5cm. Bagian pintu pagar hanya setinggi 100cm dengan masing-masing pintu selebar 140cm. Pintu pagar ditumpu kolom beton setinggi 115cm pada kedua sisinya. Tampak sedap dipandang, bukan

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Urban Architecture , Dublin


I discovered this building when walking along the southwark bridge. I didnt know it has so much history, great example of urban London old architecture. It is the Vintners Hall, and the original one was burnt down during the great fire of London and then

rebuilt soon afterwards in 1671! the present facade and entrance dates from 1910...this Vintners company was stablished to regulate the wine trade and these days still supporting that business.
This photo has notes. Move your mouse over the photo to see them.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Arsitektur Pisan2-small


Contoh Gambar Rumah Contoh Gambar Desain Rumah Etnik Kayu


Rumah Ponorogo


Di setiap sudut dalam kota Ponorogo masih sangat banyak dijumpai rumah dengan arsitektur khas dan menunjukkan 'kekuatan' ekonomi pada masa tertentu.

Hal ini seperti kita dapat temui di kota Solo, tepatnya, daerah Lawiyan yang banyak terdapat bangunan serupa yang ditopang masa kejayaan batik di Solo. Demikian juga yang terjadi di Ponorogo, mereka menjadi oorang kaya baru - pada jaman itu - juga karena batiknya.

Green House (orig.concept by yasminia)


Rendered with: Sketch-Up V-Ray

villa miss yanti di sanur


villa miss yanti di bali, tema arsitektur tropis modern minimalis....design by rony architect 085851162000

Feng Shui Desain Interior Warna Cat Rumah yang Cocok dengan Fengshui


Sebagian dari Anda mungkin sangat percaya pada Feng Shui dalam mendesain rumah atau mendekor interior rumah or apartmen Anda.

Adakah hubungannya antara warna cat rumah dengan Feng Shui? Apakah warna yang sebaiknya saya pakai untuk dekorasi rumah di ruang tidur, ruang makan, dapur, ruang keluarga dan ruang kerja

tur arsitektur 027


arsitektur rumah belanda


trunojoyo, salah satu rumah dengan bangunan model jaman belanda


Menara Masjidil Haram


Masjid Jami' Bin Baaz


Masjid Jami' Bin Baaz, Aziziyah, Makkah al-Mukarramah.

Arsitektur Rumah dengan Desain Minimalis


Berbagai macam desain interior, desain rumah, gambar rumah, tipe rumah minimalis, art deco, klasik dan kontemporer.
Jasa yang kami tawarkan meliputi desain interior, eksterior, pelaksanaan dan pengawasan.

Hampir semua desain yang kami tampilkan adalah jenis desain minimalis, hal ini dikarenakan desain yang marak saat ini adalah desain minimalis, akan tetapi tidak menutup kemungkinan kami melayani desain desain rumah yang lain sesuai dengan keinginan pelanggan.

Kelebihan desain minimalis dibanding dengan desain yang lain adalah :
1. Desain minimalis sangat cocok untuk rumah dengan lahan yang sempit, dengan permainan tampak, desain minimalis akan menjadikan hunian mungil anda terlihat lebih luas dan lapang.
2. Desain minimalis menggunakan material yang tidak terlalu sukar di dapatkan. Hampir semua material yang di butuhkan bisa langsung di ambil di toko bangunan
3. Desain minimalis relatif lebih cepat di kerjakan oleh tukan, hal ini disebabkan desain minimalis tidak menggunakan terlalu banyak ornamen pada tampak rumah, sehingga akan memudahkan tukang dalam pengerjaannya.

Arsitektur Islam


Rumah minimalis


seorang biro arsitektur membuat rumah mungil bergaya minimalis

modern milik ibu fenti di taman kota jakarta barat di desain dan di bangun oleh kami di PT.Magart Kontruksitama, More info:
www.pro-bangunan.com atau 021-73888872

Rumah Indonesia


ARSITEK desain rumah di Indonesia.

Model Rumah yang mengedepankan eco friendly dan menonjolkan sisi sisi positif dunia arsitektur indonesia

Gambar Arsitektur Rumah, Contoh Desain Rumah Tampak Samping Muka dari Anna hape Studio

Gambar Arsitektur Rumah, Contoh Desain Rumah Tampak Samping Muka dari Anna hape Studio

Ketika tip ini ditulis, saya sedang men-design rumah / design villa dengan kasus yang unik. Bayangkan saya di Jakarta, Klien di Canada, Villa yang di desain di Garut, Jawa Barat. Mbak Olly and Fam, yang tepatnya tinggal di British Columbia Canada, mempercayakan desain rumah mungilnya di Garut kepada kami. Terus terang, kecuali via email kami belum pernah berjumpa langsung. Bagaimana prosesnya?

Keterbatasan jarak, nyatanya tidak menghalangi proses desain dan komunikasi. Nah kali ini saya mau cerita bagaimana proses mendesain (yang belum selesai) berlangsung dengan efektif.

Tanah yang akan dibangun luasnya 200m2, dengan bentuk lahan trapesium. Pemandangan ke arah Barat Laut atau sudut belakang rumah sunggu fantastik yaitu gunung yang menjulang tinggi. Nah pemandangan seperti ini tentu tidak boleh di sia-siakan.

Setelah diskusi (via email) tentunya klien sepakat untuk memakai salah satu lay-out atau denah rumah mungil 2 lantai seluas 130 m2.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Lloyds Architecture in a London Night


I always wanted to shoot the Lloyds building architecture at night and thats what I did as soon as I got my tripod last year.
That strange sky color i got it straight from the camera, I suppose something to do with the pollution level that night...

London Architecture Columns of Museum


A detail of the Architecture columns at the entrance in the Natural History Museum, London.

London Night Perspective Architecture


A different perspective of this futuristic architecture at night. Its the famous Lloyds building in London.
Designed by Richard Rogers. The building next to the Lloyds is called Willis building also known as 51 Lime Street designed by Norman Foster.